Hostel Details Update Form

Please use this form to update your listing. You can fill in all of it again if you want, or simply complete the fields you want amended on the web listing.

Business Infomation
For public enquiries
Page content to appear on hostel web page
Page content to appear on hostel web page
Accommodation Details

Ratings, Awards Etc.
Please upload your best photo for your hostel, for use on the website as your header image. Upload 300dpi, high quality jpgs.
Please upload 8 photos for use on the website and name them accordingly. Consider the best selling features to attract guests. (i.e Exterior, Dorm, Kitchen, Communal Area, Nearby Views). Upload 300dpi, high quality jpgs.
We would like to feature an image of hostel owners to welcome guests. Upload 300dpi, high quality jpgs
Please upload max of 8 images of the local area and things guests can do when they arrive (walking paths, beaches, rivers, trails etc)