Scottish Hostels (company number SC271335) uses media containing images, video or the recorded voice ('Digital Media') for membership resources and publicity purposes. You are consenting to participate in or contribute Digital Media for the purposes of creating content. These recorded materials may appear on our website, on our online social platforms, or in our printed media or all of the above. We may also include them in material sent to the Press. We require your permission to do this. Please read the information below, then give consent with the boxes shown. *
Please read Scottish Hostels full Media Handling Policy and Media Use Agreement before submitting this form
I agree to the use of my image(s), video and audio recordings or my digital media, in publicity or promotional literature, and/or in educational or training materials produced by Scottish Hostels, on the Scottish Hostels website, members newsletters, social media sites, and other online services; and in any publicity material about our services sent to the news media.
I understand that websites and other online media can be seen throughout the world, and not just in the United Kingdom, where UK law applies.
I grant to Scottish Hostels a non-transferable, non-exclusive (unless otherwise agreed in writing) worldwide Licence to reproduce the Media for the purpose of promoting Scottish Hostels, Scottish Hostels members, Scottish based events and activities or Scotland as a destination to visit. Approved publishing platforms include but are not restricted to: newspapers, magazines, websites, social media channels, presentations, brochures, TV, and film. I provide this Licence free of charge. The duration of licence for the Media’s inclusion in a published product is unlimited. There is no limit to the number of times each Asset from your ‘Contributed Content’ can be used by Scottish Hostels for inclusion in publishable products unless otherwise agreed in writing.